Anticorruption, internal investigations and audits
We assist Russian and international companies operating in Russia to conduct internal investigations and prevent fraud as well as represent them in disputes with state authorities.
Clients usually require our services in circumstances where confidential information is leaked or where theft, commercial bribery, fraud or a breach of Russian tax legislation occurs. We also develop local regulations taking into account the requirements of the Russian anticorruption legislation.
In addition, we provide support to our clients during audits conducted by state authorities (for example, the antitrust and tax authorities, prosecutors, labour and consumer protection inspectorates) and protect their interests in administrative and court proceedings against these bodies.
Advising a British law firm on certain issues regarding banking activity in Russia within the Vneshprombank court case
Introducing a system for countering bribery in a Russian state-owned company in order to minimise the risk of prosecution under the UK Bribery Act 2010 in connection with the company's activities abroad
Conducting internal investigations in a Russian financial corporation in relation to a top manager who provided confidential information to a competitor
Conducting an investigation for a manufacturer of personal hygiene products on compliance by pharmacies and wholesale suppliers with antitrust legislation, during the course of which we identified and sanctioned 60 pharmacy directors and a whole sale provider we had investigated in Moscow, St Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, and violations of a wholesale provider were identified and eliminated
Consulting RAK Investment Authority (RAKIA), the investment department of the emirate of Ras Al Khaimah (UAE), with regard to an internal investigation of top managers of Georgian subsidiaries and suing for damages in Georgia
Representing Auchan in proceedings initiated by the Prosecutor's Office and the Labour Inspectorate of Russia
Representing Armstrong, a manufacturer of suspended ceilings, in an administrative dispute with the Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service
Conducting an internal investigation for a foreign audit company in relation to a Russian partner in connection with a leakage of business information
Advising a foreign tour operator in relation to violations of anticorruption laws and disclosure of confidential information by the head of its Russian subsidiary
Conducting an internal investigation in relation to employees of the Russian subsidiary of an international software producer, including interviews with top managers and due diligence of contractual relations with Russian partners
Conducting an internal investigation in relation to the compliance with Russian, American and British anticorruption legislation (including FCPA and the UK Bribery Act) by employees of the Russian subsidiary of an international producer of travel accessories